• Social Engineering
  1. What is social engineering?
    • Social engineering is one method that combines human error which is called human hacking. Criminals use a similar strategy to obtain private data and access systems. It may also be used to steal information from other websites. Instead of using brute force attacks, the attackers will generally convince the victims into compromising by deceiving themselves by impersonating themselves. Humanity is guilty. It is arguably the biggest obstacle cybersecurity professionals are facing in the industry. Even with these incredibly advanced security measures, there are human comrades that can’t be trusted. Cyber actors exploit these vulnerabilities by manipulating individuals to access sensitive information. Even though we all get into a situation where we make errors, it may still be possible for us to stay on the sidelines to detect and eliminate the scammers. How can we prevent social engineers from becoming targets? Let me start with a basic concept of social engineering; it can help gain access to sensitive information without employing sophisticated hackers. Instead of exploiting system weaknesses, a hacker contacts a customer or sends phishing e-mails pretending to be legitimate sources. The term Social Engineering was coined by Kelvin Mitnick in the 1990s and has been described as one of the most widely known hackers in the world. Despite its existence, this idea is still prevalent for a long time.
  2. How does social engineering work?
    • As with other cyber threats, social engineering attacks have different forms. Understanding how they perform can reduce the risk of accidents. Cyber actors trick people by locking doors or installing malicious files that could compromise your internet resources. The four steps to a successful social engineering attack depends upon the scale the social engineering attack can take—they could last several days. Despite this, it is incredibly important to understand social engineering strategies and their goals and strategies and how you can avoid them.
  3. How does social engineering affect organizations?
    • A social hack could cause serious damage to organizations. Getting this information can ruin a reputation or damage a business relationship. Social engineering assaults are a major threat in many industries. As a result, identifying, stopping, and countering Social Engineering can be crucial for business continuity. Implementing strong security inbounds can help track user activity and suspicious websites, emails, and massive data transfers.
  4. What do social engineers want?
    • So let us get deeper into social engineering and how to solve it. The hacker wants critical information to help identify individuals, gain financial, or otherwise gain a targeted target. Malware is commonly employed when hackers attempt to steal your information from another party.
  5. Types of social engineering attacks
    • Phishing is the most commonly used form of social engineering where an attacker impersonates someone or something through phishing ip, email, web ads, or chatting. Bait attacks are designed to encourage e-mail addresses to be publicly revealed or to provide e-book access. Downloads may also contain harmful applications. A social engineering attack using tailgate principles requires the user to borrow a mobile device from the Internet and the attacker then installs malware on that device.
  6. What is the most common method of social engineering?
    • Phishing is a common form of social engineering, which takes place via email, SMS messaging, and text messaging. Messages are often original and include copying material from trusted sites such as websites or blogs. Any message form may encourage individuals to use harmful links to get a message. These links can be disguised by using shorter URLs or by incorporating embedded links that redirect to an unauthorized site.
  7. Examples of social engineering
    • Social engineering attack mainly combines the exploitation of emotions. Fear is a common example, which can include a message that someone is being investigated for owing taxes. Another human emotion is the desire for help, curiosity, and urgency. Typical ways are to get more information about how a person can receive a paycheck in full and use information that has been published.
  8. Is social engineering illegal?
    • Social engineering is illegal and is an attempt at fraud. The penalties for being guilty include fines and prison sentences.
  9. Social engineering attack types
    • Various social engineering methods are available in relation to the attacker’s target. To stop social engineer attacks, organizations have to know what they are doing and the way that they target.
  10. Email hacking
    • Email hacking or email theft are cyberattacks aimed at hacking email addresses. The purpose of this hacking technique is for the hacker to use it. The attackers will e-mail you in a hacked manner. These are usually the starting points for impersonations and account reorganization.
  11. Tabnabbing/Reverse Tabnabbing
    • Tabnabbing is an online manipulation technique by which the user manipulates the pages on their computer. This is a tool that redirects a website from a legitimate website to an illegitimate website. Often social engineering tactics trick users into entering their credentials.
  12. Access Tailgating
    • Access tailgated is a strategy used by attackers for gaining access into buildings. Attackers may use various tactics to execute this attack.
  13. Scareware
    • The Scareware program tries to lure computer users into a website. The attack can be taken by legitimate antivirus services that tell you that your computer has a virus infection. Users are scared that the company will be charged for security issues.
  14. Spear-phishing
    • In social engineering, spear-phishing attacks target individual companies. The hacker will spend extra time collecting data and identifying his targets to verify the fraud’s legitimacy. The ultimate purpose of this is the theft of confidential data.
  15. BEC (Business Email Compromise)
    • Business email compromises are scammers using fake accounts to defraud the company. Those posing as trusted sources like CEO’s trick employees into making large transfers of sensitive data that will then serve them as targets for future attacks.
  16. Phishing
    • Phishing is the biggest socially-engineered tactic used by an attacker. The hacker aims for information that may be of high value to its target audience by sending them the link via phishing emails in the hope that they may disclose it.
  17. Spam
    • Spam is an unsatisfactory email that is used mainly for advertising purposes. However, cybercriminals can use it by sending fake links to sites. If the email is opened, it will infect our computer and cause ransomware.
  18. Angler Phishing
    • Angler Phishing is a subset of the phishing technique targeted at Twitter accounts. In the case of Amazon, hackers stole credentials from customers who provided sensitive information such as credit card numbers.
  19. Pharming
    • The pharming technique is combined with phish and agricultural techniques which redirect visitors on certain websites to fake malware versions. They want their login info pushed out to their account.
  20. Honey traps
    • Honey trappings are scam tactics that use romantic relationships for financial gain. In most cases, this attack involves stealing people’s money and gaining or accessing confidential details.
  21. 419/Nigerian Prince/Advance Fee Scams
    • The 419/Nigerian Prince or Advance-Fee scam is a phishing technique aimed at tricking victims. In exchange, attackers promise victims huge payouts or percentages of their own cash.
  22. Whaling/CEO Fraud
    • Whaling and CEO fraud are attacks targeted by phishing attacks targeting top executives. An attacker could hack into an employee’s email requesting urgent transfer requests.
  23. Vishing
    • Vishing uses a social engineering approach using voice communication. This technique may combine with social e-mail techniques enabling victims to call a number or disclose confidential data. Advanced phishing attacks are possible using Voiceover IP and radio communications services. VoIP makes it easy for caller identification to be spoofed and takes advantage of the public mistrust of the services available.
  24. Social Engineering Tactics to Watch For
    • Various techniques for achieving a skeptical objective are used in social engineering. Identifying these methods is essential for protecting sensitive data. Always remember, that social engineering can happen through multiple sources such as email, text messages, and telephone calls. Take these steps to help ensure that you don’t become a victim: Authenticate, Authorize, Call Back, Don’t Be Pressures, Be Alert, Be Polite but Firm, and Report.
  • General
  1. What is managed IT service?
    • Managed IT Service is a remote service provider that remotely manages the IT demands of an organization. Many companies have a wide array of technical requirements for managing their IT services, such as specialized servers and network infrastructure. This requirement is subcontracted to integrated management services providers aimed at reducing setup costs while increasing performance. Services include data maintenance, updates & installation, network monitoring installations, maintenance of company app installations, helpdesk services, and system integration services. To learn more about managed IT services, click here.
  2. What is IT Service Management?
    • ITSM enables companies to design, plan, manage and optimize information technology service providers for clients. It has the principal purpose of maintaining an IT Services Management structure to ensure the appropriate process or technology is used in meeting business objectives. ITSM comprises three sections: Service Strategy, Service Maintenance, and Service enhancement. Service strategy aims at describing all of the best services for businesses, while service maintenance focuses on identifying problems or incidents and reporting appropriately on the adaptability of services.
  3. What areIT Services in the Industry?
    • IT services are essential to modern businesses. Whatever it is, technology is crucial. Typically, IT combines various disciplines and areas. At times these services are handled internally or by another company or third-party service providers. IT Services vary according to the company’s specific needs.
  4. What are the different types of IT services?
    • IT Services are crucial to business growth. The purpose of cybersecurity is to provide sound protection protocols for computers and network equipment connected over the Internet and other networks. A heightened cybersecurity approach protects data security against malicious attackers. Cyber threats have various types that can damage a system or its sensitive data or can be accessed or deleted.
  5. How can I choose the best IT service provider?
    • It’s essential that you research the best services provider and choose the ideal company. However, there is often a challenge in analyzing the abilities without identifying the best selection criteria to examine. As you look at IT service providers, think about these factors: price, services and features provided, communication, break-fix or proactive management, security, and regulations. To see our recommended checklist, click here.
  6. What is an IT solutions company?
    • IT network solutions service focuses entirely on installing, managing and implementing the entire IT infrastructure of your company. In this way, IT support services can ensure that your business network remains in top-level condition.
  7. What is the difference between IT services and IT solutions?
    • IT Services: Typically a company is using services internally while an IT firm manages the services remotely based on the client’s requirements and the business. Usually in an extended contract.
    • IT Solutions: A company must find “solutions” for solving an issue. IT companies will implement the solutions for the problem. Typically under short-term contracts or projects.
  8. What are typical IT services?
    • Common technology. IT Management Services. Cloud storage service. ISP. VoIP. IPv4 Protocol. Data recovery. Firewalls. Cyber security solutions. Office365/E-mail.
  9. What are examples of IT solutions?
    • Cloud computing. Backup / Recover. Security of networks. Customer service. Managing the printing service. Computer training. Information technology consulting.
  • OnBase
  1. What is OnBase used for?
    • OnBase is much more than just a document management system, it is a low code/no code configurable platform that enables organizations to empower their teams to be more efficient and scalable across all areas of the business.  Key benefits include workflow intelligent automation, rapid solution development, digitizing documents, and robotic process automation.  OnBase is commonly used for AP Automation, Contract and Vendor Management, HR and Compliance, Application and Renewal Automation in the Insurance space, and just about any process in your organization that has the potential to be streamlined while providing greater visibility of information to users across the enterprise. 
  2. What type of system is OnBase?
    • OnBase can be deployed On-Premise or hosted in the Cloud and is a solution that becomes the glue to tie your existing systems such as ERP or CRM together and enables organizations to enhance and improve their business processes.
  3. Is OnBase a database?
    • OnBase name initially came from the idea of “One Database” which could become the central hub of all your relevant information.  Technically, OnBase has a database as well as a user interface that was developed with scalability and security in mind.  OnBase is NOT an alternative to SQL, Oracle, Mysql, etc…, but rather a configurable software platform that allows companies to integrate their existing systems and enhance their business processes.
  4. Is OnBase an ERP?
    • OnBase integrates with a large number of ERP systems to streamline processes such as accounts payable but is not a stand-alone ERP System.  One of the unique features of OnBase is that it has strong integration capabilities that allow OnBase to “sit behind” systems you use every day without custom coding.  This shortens the learning curve for the end-user and to them, it appears that every capability OnBase provides is just an enhancement of the systems they use already.  This includes viewing images and related documents, generating correspondence or launching an electronic form to kick off a workflow process…all within the screens of your existing system.
  5. Is OnBase cloud-based?
    • OnBase can be deployed as an On-Premise or a Cloud-hosted solution.  OnBase was an early adopter of the cloud and has offered a cloud-hosted option for almost 15 years.
  6. Who owns Hyland Software?
    • Hyland is a privately held company based out of Westlake, OH, and has been a leader in intelligent automation solutions since 1991.
  7. Is Hyland a product-based company?
    • Hyland Software is a software-based company that focuses on delivering innovative, scalable, and configurable solutions that solve real business problems.  LBMC has been a Diamond Support partner with Hyland for 20 years and offers implementation, consulting, and support services utilizing our deep experience in the product and close relationships with our customers to deploy impactful solutions that help drive significant ROI to their business.
  8. How much did Hyland pay for alfresco?
    • In the fall of 2020, Hyland Software acquired Alfresco which furthers Hyland’s vision to become the world’s leading content services provider, expanding its global footprint with additional customers, partners and employees with extensive industry experience. The addition of Alfresco’s solutions augments Hyland’s range of intelligent automation offerings and provides new opportunities to engage with the open-source community for product innovation.
  9. Who bought Alfresco?
    • In the fall of 2020, Hyland Software acquired Alfresco which furthers Hyland’s vision to become the world’s leading content services provider, expanding its global footprint with additional customers, partners and employees with extensive industry experience. The addition of Alfresco’s solutions augments Hyland’s range of intelligent automation offerings and provides new opportunities to engage with the open-source community for product innovation.
  10. What is OnBase ECM?
    • OnBase is a low code/no code configurable platform that enables organizations to empower their teams to be more efficient and scalable across all areas of the business.  Key benefits include workflow intelligent automation, rapid solution development, digitizing documents, and robotic process automation.  OnBase is commonly used for AP Automation, Contract and Vendor Management, HR and Compliance, Application and Renewal Automation in the Insurance space, and just about any process in your organization that has the potential to be streamlined while providing greater visibility of information to users across the enterprise. 
  11. How much does Alfresco Enterprise Cost?
    • For more information on pricing for any Hyland Software solutions or service offerings, email info@lbmctech.com
  12. What is epic OnBase?
    • OnBase integrates with more than 30 Epic modules, including Epic Canto™/Haiku™ to provide mobile access to a more accurate and comprehensive patient record. And, with a variety of value-added solutions, OnBase brings new capabilities directly to Epic end-users – from providing a consolidated view of all patient-related content to viewing DICOM images within the EMR.  For more information on any Hyland Software solutions or service offerings, email info@lbmctech.com
  13. What is the documentation used for?
    • OnBase enables businesses to track and maintain a collaborative environment with any business documentation or process.  It has the ability to track history, document revisions, or manage security on various discussion threads on critical business processes.
  14. What is an ECM administrator?
    • ECM stands for Enterprise Content Management and opens the possibility of bringing digitized and streamlined processes to any organization.  However, have you ever felt like you were “beholden” to your vendor to make changes to the systems they develop?  Hyland’s OnBase is uniquely different and brings the full power of intelligent automation to your business with configurable tools that require little no custom development (also knows as low code/no-code solutions).  LBMC can partner with organizations to provide expertise to your organization based on their 20 plus years working with the product but prefers to work hand in hand with local administrators of the tool.  The biggest advantage of having your own OnBase Administrator is that you have eyes and feet on the ground every day looking for more and more processes to enhance or streamline and the customer has the power to implement those changes without additional cost which leads to great ROI.
  • Intelligent Automation
  1. What are examples of intelligent automation?
    • Intelligent Automation can mean a lot of things in today’s technology world.  In LBMC’s view with Hyland’s OnBase, Intelligent Automation software encompasses automation thru advanced workflow, RPA (Robotic Process Automation), and rapid solution development thru low code/no-code application platforms.  Automated Workflow allows you to manage complex approval or workflow processes including feature capabilities such as integrating and incorporating data from other systems into the workflow process, leveraging automatic assignment of tasks and timer-based notifications, and robust dashboards to provide visibility into the process.  RPA is the ability to automate human actions by clicking on the same buttons or screens, except faster and doing it 24×7 while enabling your human workers to then focus on more value-added tasks.  Low code/no-code solutions allow businesses to rapidly create actual business applications without requiring custom coding or development resources enabling the ability to get projects to completion faster and on platforms that are easy to maintain. To learn more about Intelligent automation and digital transformation, click here.
  2. What is the difference between RPA and intelligent automation?
    • RPA is a component of Intelligent Automation.  With Hyland’s RPA, it is the ability to automate human actions by clicking on the same buttons or screens, except faster and doing it 24×7 while enabling your human workers to then focus on more value-added tasks. RPA is a rules based process done by a bot, much like a robotic vacuum cleaning a house on a set schedule. To learn more about RPA and intelligent automation, click here.
  3. What is an example of an intelligent automation solution?
    • The benefits of Intelligent Automation can be found just about anywhere in your organization.  Whether it is automating your invoice process, new hire onboarding, contract management, new application, renewal, claims, compliance, or even Covid tracing.  With an Intelligent Automation solution like Hyland’s OnBase, you will find that it is an investment that provides continuous ROI opportunities for years to come.
  4. What are intelligent automation platforms?
    • There are several IA solutions in the marketplace.  Hyland’s OnBase platform is unique however in that it incorporates all three aspects of IA (Advanced Workflow, RPA, and Low Code) in a single platform.  RPA bots can automate many business processes, but the power and potential of the solution is magnified when it is incorporated into a business workflow.  For example, in insurance, if part of the renewal workflow needs to go out to a website to verify that they have the needed state credential, that process can quickly become a hands-off, fully automated process.
  5. Why do we need intelligent automation?
    • Intelligent Automation solutions allow companies to reduce costs and enable scalable growth thru rapidly deployable solutions that can return very fast ROI.  By incorporating these IA solutions, businesses gain a competitive advantage over other companies that are slow to adopt change by providing faster processes and better customer service.  Hyland’s OnBase is a proud partner of some of the most recognized brands across the country and around the world but also provides significant capabilities to many companies that are just starting up and ready to become the next great brand.  Having the experience of over 17,000 customers, allows Hyland and LBMC to bring not only technology but insight into this growth.
  6. What is an intelligent automation process?
    • Intelligent Automation can mean a lot of things in today’s technology world.  In LBMC’s view with Hyland’s OnBase, Intelligent Automation encompasses automation thru advanced workflow, RPA (Robotic Process Automation, and rapid solution development thru low code/no-code application platforms.  Automated Workflow allows you to manage complex approval or workflow processes including feature capabilities such as integrating and incorporating data from other systems into the workflow process, leveraging automatic assignment of tasks and timer-based notifications, and robust dashboards to provide visibility into the process.  RPA is the ability to automate human actions by clicking on the same buttons or screens, except faster and doing it 24×7 while enabling your human workers to then focus on more value-added tasks.  Low code/no-code solutions allow businesses to rapidly create actual business applications without requiring custom coding or development resources enabling the ability to get projects to completion faster and on platforms that are easy to maintain.
  7. How do you implement intelligent automation?
    • One of the most important concepts of Intelligent Automation and the platforms that support IA is that it is not a one-time engagement and the full potential of the platform does not all come with your first win.  IA platforms like Hyland’s OnBase provide the ability to incrementally and continuously deploy rapid solutions that return business benefits with every new process you review and enhance.  IA is really a platform that can provide immediate ROI, but also serves as a 20-plus-year strategic investment to receive that same ROI over and over again. 
  8. How can you identify an intelligent automation opportunity?
    • If a business has a valuable employee that is consumed with doing activities that are redundant or repetitive, manual, and non-impactful and you think that employee could be doing more for your company, you likely have found your first IA opportunity.  IA opportunities are everywhere in the business if you just look for them.  No task is too small or too large, but every action your business takes to improve your processes leaves your organization better positioned for successful growth.
  9. What is the simplest form of automation intelligent automation?
    • Processes don’t have to be complex to be time-consuming and a drain on your productivity.  With Hyland’s OnBase RPA solution, we have one client who had a very talented individual that was logging into a state website to download a set of files every day.  They implemented an RPA bot and not only did that process become faster, but they refocused that individual to reporting dashboards to gain more visibility into their operations with key performance indicators.  The employee has said that OnBase changed not just their job, but their life. 
  10. What is intelligent business automation?
    • Intelligent Automation can mean a lot of things in today’s technology world.  In LBMC’s view with Hyland’s OnBase, Intelligent Automation encompasses automation thru advanced workflow, RPA (Robotic Process Automation, and rapid solution development thru low code/no-code application platforms.  Automated Workflow allows you to manage complex approval or workflow processes including feature capabilities such as integrating and incorporating data from other systems into the workflow process, leveraging automatic assignment of tasks and timer-based notifications, and robust dashboards to provide visibility into the process.  RPA is the ability to automate human actions by clicking on the same buttons or screens, except faster and doing it 24×7 while enabling your human workers to then focus on more value-added tasks.  Low code/no-code solutions allow businesses to rapidly create actual business applications without requiring custom coding or development resources enabling the ability to get projects to completion faster and on platforms that are easy to maintain.
  11. What can intelligent automation do?
    • If a business has a valuable employee that is consumed with doing activities that are redundant or repetitive, manual, and non-impactful and you think that employee could be doing more for your company, you likely have found your first IA opportunity.  IA opportunities are everywhere in the business if you just look for them.  No task is too small or too large, but every action your business takes to improve your processes leaves your organization better positioned for successful growth.
  12. What is the UiPath tool?
    • UiPath is one of many RPA solutions available today.  A key difference between UiPath and Hyland’s RPA tool is not just the power and automation that an RPA Bot can bring to the organization, but the tight integration the Hyland RPA bot has with the OnBase platform to very tightly and seamlessly integrate into workflow and other processes. For example, in insurance, if part of the renewal workflow needs to go out to a website to verify that they have the needed state credential, that process can quickly become a hands-off, fully automated process.
  • RPA
  1. What exactly is RPA?
    • Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software.
  2. What is RPA used for?
    • If a business has a valuable employee that is consumed with doing activities that are redundant or manual,non-impactful and repetitive taks you think that employee could be doing more for your company, you likely have found your first RPA opportunity.  RPA opportunities are everywhere in the business if you just look for them. There are many benefits of RPA, no task is too small or too large, but every action your business takes to improve your processes leaves your organization better positioned for successful growth.  Some examples of where RPA is used include interfacing with systems that do not have any API capabilities.  Oftentimes, this includes websites where an individual has to search and pull down information (like a certificate or credential) or maybe an older ERP system where someone has to enter information into certain screens within the ERP.
  3. Is RPA a new technology?
    • RPA technology has been around for several years, but with Hyland’s RPA, you now have the ability to fully integrate an RPA process into an enterprise workflow platform like Hyland’s OnBase.  This allows for true straight thru type processing.
  4. How do I start a career in RPA?
    • You can learn about Hyland’s RPA solution and even download a free trial of it at https://try.onbase.com. 
  5. What is the UiPath tool?
    • UiPath is one of many RPA solutions available today.  A key difference between UiPath and Hyland’s RPA tool is not just the power and automation that an RPA Bot can bring to the organization, but the tight integration the Hyland RPA bot has with the OnBase platform to very tightly and seamlessly integrate into workflow and other processes. For example, in insurance, if part of the renewal workflow needs to go out to a website to verify that they have the needed state credential, that process can quickly become a hands-off, fully automated process.
  6. Is RPA a good career?
    • RPA is a great area to start a career.  With easy-to-use tools like Hyland’s RPA, you can easily deploy solutions that are impactful to some of the best companies in the world. 
  7. Is RPA boring?
    • Only to those who are still playing pong on an old Atari system, but if you are someone who loves the opportunity to access a tool that can truly make a difference to your company, RPA is one of the most exciting technologies around.
  8. Is AI or RPA better?
    • RPA and AI are like Peanut Butter and Jelly…they truly are better together.  These are not competitive technologies, but rather complementary technologies that work together to create powerful applications.   In fact, there are AI components within Hyland’s RPA product, specifically in the ability for RPA to anticipate, adjust, and train itself as various scenarios come up in the business process.
  9. Is RPA easy to learn?
    • Yes!!  Hyland’s RPA is a point-and-click configurable solution that makes it easy to learn, train, and implement impactful solutions for your business.  You can learn about Hyland’s RPA solution and even download a free trial of it at https://try.onbase.com

Contact Us

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Please send us an email using the form and one of our professionals will get back to you promptly.

Headquarters – Nashville, TN:
201 Franklin Road
Brentwood, TN 37027

Phone: 615-377-4600

Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday

Charlotte, NC
3700 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 175
Charlotte, NC 28273

Knoxville, TN
2095 Lakeside Centre Way
Knoxville, TN 37922


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